Posts Tagged ‘Motivation’


Posted: January 2, 2016 in Soulful
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The day I quit quitting will be the day that I finally make a decision
Decision derives from decide, and if defined in the Latin tongue, it means to cut off every other option
The day I quit quitting, I will be able to make the distinction between failure and lesson; recognize the synergy between falling and getting up; crawling isn’t given up when crossing the finish line, whether on your feet or on your knees, means crossing the finish line
In other words, your accomplishments are not predicated on how you achieve them
Can you encourage yourself when motivation is on vacation?
Can you motivate yourself when encouragement has deserted you?
The day I quit quitting, I will no longer run from, but rather run to, run pass, run over, run through the obstructions in the metaphysical world where my reality begins
Joyce Meyers said it like this: You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind
So I took 2 verbs with a negative connotation and formed a positive conjunction: Either quitting quits or I quit quitting
And since quitting is still in business I figured that I take the initiative and resign
I know this is 2 weeks short of a 2 week notice but here’s your pink slip!
Please don’t bore me with the poor business etiquette rhetoric, cuz if I remember correctly, it began with your unethical business practices intended to steal, kill, and destroy; where ill will was deployed like young men and boys
But no longer will I be lured in with cheap thrills to enjoy
Because you—you my friend are unemployed
No longer do I entertain your half truths like when you said “time was on our side”
Again, I say “half truths”
Because unfortunately for you—you are past due
Don’t worry about me!
You see, I understand that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and for whatever reason, it takes longer time to build a skyscraper than it does a measly hut
And for whatever reason you eat an elephant one bite a time
And this is how I plan to redeem mine(time that is)
John Bythewag said “yard by yard life is hard; inch my inch life is a cinch”
I will reach 12 inches before I my first 36; Therefore, my first 12 begins with my first
I Quit!